Empathy: What it is, why it's important and how to have more of it

Have you ever wondered exactly what empathy is? Or how you could have more of it?

Boston holistic nurse health and wellness coach

Empathy is the ability to step into the shoes of another person, aiming to understand their feelings, emotions, and perspectives, and to use that understanding to guide our actions. It drives us to be compassionate towards others.


Even if we find it difficult to understand a different perspective, keeping the empathy door open often leads to insightful and connecting dialogue. The good news: Empathy can be developed and improved.  There are steps we can take to acknowledge our biases and move beyond our own opinions and views to try to understand those held by other people. 

Boston holistic nurse health and wellness coach

How do you develop empathy?

Practice mindfulness.


Be open to feedback.


Ask others for their perspective.


Appreciate a person as a human being and approach them with curiosity.


Put your pride aside and sit down with someone.


Focus all your attention on the person when they’re speaking. 

Boston holistic nurse health and wellness coach

Show the person that you’re truly present and engaged by eliminating distractions and looking them in the eyes when they’re speaking.


Show your respect by hearing them out without responding or judging.


Try to understand what they’re feeling and experiencing.  


Repeat back to them what they’re saying in your own words to make sure you’re hearing them correctly or ask questions if you’re not clear about what they mean.


Validate their emotions.   Even if you don’t agree with them or understand, you can still acknowledge someone else’s feelings and experiences to make them feel heard and respected.

>>> What’s one way in which you can show more empathy in your daily life? I’d love to hear in the comments below!  




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