How to Get Motivated and Stay Focused
Are you in a rut? Feeling distracted or like you’ve veered off the beaten path you want to be on? Do you want some help getting motivated and focused on healthy habits? I’ve got you. Right this way to learn tips for more motivation, productivity, and focus!
Get Inspired
The first step to getting motivated and staying focused is to get inspired to make a change. You’re much more likely to stick with a goal if you’re inspired about your goal and your “why.” What is your WHY? Your “why” should be powerful and make you feel excited and passionate!
Identify what you want to accomplish, why, and who will inspire you when it feels hard along the way.
You’ve heard the saying “fail to prepare, prepare to fail”? Well, it’s 100% true.
Meeting your goals doesn’t just happen with a wish and a prayer. You have to plan to reach them. Start with identifying your goal. Then identify the biggest hurdles to getting there and what you will do to overcome those hurdles. Make a loosely structured plan to give you guidance and keep you focused, but not so strict that if you mess up, you feel like your whole plan is derailed.
Create a “Big 3” for each day.
Set short term goals
Long term change with big results is the goal, but the best way to getting to the long term goal is to set short term goals. These are small stepping stones to help you reach the bigger goal. Your short term goals should involve tangible action steps, things you’ll do consistently to get you closer to your long term goal.
Here are some examples of how your long-term goals could translate to short-term goals.
Long term: Working for yourself. Short term: increase your income by $300 a month from a side job.
Long term: Losing weight. Short term: make a healthy dinner every night rather than eating out.
Long term: Complete a 5K. Short term: Start walking and jogging more.
Then, the tangible action steps to help reach those goals would perhaps include working an extra 5 hours each week on your side hustle, learning to meal prep and healthy recipes, and researching best plans for train for your 5K.
Next, map out when you’ll work on those things. The way I do this is to make a list at the beginning of the week of EVERYTHING I need and want to accomplish, both personally and professionally. Then, I look at that list and identify the top three things for that day- called “The Big 3”. This way it feels attainable and not overwhelming, and sets you up to succeed. Use a calendar, planner, or list-whatever works for you. This helps me stay focused on my priorities in realistic “baby steps” each day that build my confidence and demonstrate my consistency.
Create Structure and Accountability
When you’re struggling with motivation, simplify and put structure and help in place that will encourage you to focus and stick to your plan. For example, if you want to eat healthy, but don’t grocery shop enough, try an affordable meal kit delivery service. For workout/training accountability, join a running club or hire a personal trainer (many do virtual sessions). When working from home, try to wake up at the same time every day, get dressed, and work at a dedicated workspace that you use only for work. Also, if you can share your goal with loved ones, this will help keep you motivated and accountable.
Move your Body
One of the greatest forms of self care, moving your body releases endorphins that improve motivation and focus. If you’re stuck in a motivation rut, being active is a great way to intentionally get out of it.
Research shows that having a consistent workout routine will help you achieve other goals in your life. And your workout doesn’t have to be anything intense, as even a 20 minute morning walk will get your endorphins flowing, which will help you knock out your tasks that you mapped out.
Make the Decision to Start
A lack of motivation will certainly happen and since you never know how long it will take until you feel motivated, make the decision to do something productive even if you don’t feel like it. Just START!
Remember tiny shifts create big changes, so start small and keep things simple. Try out what resonates with you, and give it a month or two to see what feels right. Don’t wait until you feel motivated, since you never know when that will be! Instead, set simple, manageable short term goals that feel achievable and add things in as you go. You’ll start to see your new habits stick with all of your hard work, which will continue to motivate you.
>>> I’d love to hear what tip resonates with you or what works for you to stay motivated and focused! Let me know below.