My Client-Favorite IMMUNE BOOSTER Orange Creamsicle Smoothie!

immune booster orange creamsicle smoothie

Are you looking for ways to support your immune system and stay healthy with all the colds, flus, and viruses going around?

I thought so.

I hear you, as I have from many of my health coaching clients as well!

This is a topic that’s front and center right now, especially with kiddos, and here is a client-favorite Immune Boosting Recipe from me to you that is not only delicious (hello picky toddlers!), but is a powerhouse, packing a punch of nutritious goodness to keep our immune systems strong all year long!

I want to highlight a few of the superfoods in this smoothie, so that you know why they’re so supportive (you know I’m all about the why)!

Carrots, and other root veggies like parsnips and turnips, are a sign that the fall season is here. Whether nibbled on as a snack, roasted as a side dish, or eaten raw in a fall salad, carrots are one of the earth’s healthiest foods, being great for eye health and full of essential vitamins and minerals!

Carrots come in a wide variety of colors, such as purple, yellow and white. Fun fact: the reason we associate carrots exclusively with the color orange goes back to Holland in the 17th century when the royal House of Orange decided to cultivate only orange carrots. Their brilliant and bright color became an unofficial symbol of their reign. :)

Despite their density, carrots are actually very high in water content and are prone to try out quickly (leaving them skinny and soft). Pro Tip: if they do come with green tops, remove them, as they will suck all the moisture from the carrot, making them soft. Do not wash, rinse or cut until ready to cook. If left in the crisper drawer in an open paper bag, they can last for over a week.

We all know carrots are delicious and sweet just as they are, but with such a great fall flavor, they’re often underused. Simply roasted in the oven, carrots are caramelized to perfection! Try roasting them with butter and dill, or cumin and curry. 

You can also try adding shredded carrots into any smoothie — an easy way to add this fall staple into your diet. Just follow my Immune Booster Orange Creamsicle Smoothie recipe below to make your own yummy powerhouse-packed beverage!

This smoothie contains so much goodness, like the oranges, packed with immune boosting vitamin C! It’s a simple and beneficial way to add a little extra defense against germs as we move into cold and flu season. You can store oranges in your refrigerator’s crisper drawer as well, or at room temperature as long as they’re out of direct sunlight.

And, let’s not forget the fresh turmeric! If you’re unfamiliar with the superfood, turmeric can temporarily stain (skin and clothes) a vibrant orange-yellow, so unless you’re looking for a new fun finger vibe, handle with care when you wash, peel and chop to add this potent ingredient. The brilliant yellow color (and tie-dying abilities) can be attributed to curcumin — its main active ingredient. Turmeric is a spice that boasts anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, aids digestion and may support in balancing hormones and improving our mood — the perfect booster! (Pro Tip: we add a dash of pepper to help our body absorb the turmeric).

My Immune Booster Orange Creamsicle Smoothie


1 ½ cup coconut water or almond milk

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 TBS chia seeds

1 small frozen banana (Tip: Freeze ripe bananas for making your smoothies, you can add them right in frozen for extra creaminess!)

1/2 of an orange or 1/3 c pure orange juice (no added sugar)

1/3 cup shredded carrots

1 tsp ginger (fresh if possible)

1 TBS raw honey

1/2 tsp turmeric ( fresh if possible)

1/4 tsp ground black pepper (to help our body absorb the turmeric)

1/4 tsp cinnamon


Blend until creamy, enjoy!

>>> If you love this recipe, you can find more easy, healthy recipes in my cookbook here! And, be sure you are signed up for our free email community to get all the wellness tips and inspiration, including an exciting announcement coming very soon, plus a FREE GIFT from me!

In the comments below share what your biggest questions regarding staying healthy this cold and flu season, and I will answer them.