Sacred Sleep Secrets

Top 10 Tips for Sacred Sleep 

Sleep is so important in our ever-busy world today. We must let our bodies rest and recharge with at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

Here are some tips:

·      Maintain a strict bedtime with a routine that works for you and be consistent!

·      Turn off electronic devices at least one hour before bed

·      Reflect on 3 wins/3 things you’re grateful for with a gratitude or reflection journal. My Self Care Cards can really help with this. Also, if your head hitting the pillow triggers your mind to race and ideas to pour in, keep a notepad/journal at your bedside to jot down any ideas that come up while falling asleep so you can get them off your mind.

·      Meditate (you can use a meditation app or guided meditation book)

·      Practice deep breathing (I like Dr. Weil’s 4-7-8 technique or box breathing)

·      Play relaxing music, a white noise app or sound machine 

·      Decrease sugar and processed food consumption 

·      Use ear plugs and/or an eye mask

·      Take a hot shower and cool your bedroom to about 64-67 degrees

·      Stretch or do light yoga, such as Yoga Nidra

Bonus tip: Enjoy a cup of chamomile, Guava leaf tea, or lavender tea before bed

>>>Let me know below what helps you get sound sleep!

Kristen Reed is a Registered Nurse, holistic Health coach and Reiki Master.