11 Best Personal Development Books

I'm excited to share some of my favorite personal development books with all of you! Enjoy these 11 (I couldn't narrow it down to 10!) books!

  1. You are a Badass, Jen Sincero

    Relatable, witty, makes you laugh but also teaches lots of lessons in a way that you don't even realize you're learning, and then the light bulb goes off! Jen Sincero empowers you to take charge of your life, set intentions, manifest what you want and GO GET IT, already!! I've read this one several times and I love it more each time! There's a reason this is #1 on the list!

  2. The Happiness Project, Gretchin Rubin

    In this honest and lightheaded memoir Gretchen details her life as she embarks on her happiness project and shows us how little shifts and changes can yield big results. It just may inspire you to start your own Happiness Project!

  3. Girl, Wash Your Face, Rachel Hollis

    Rachel’s witty, tough-love approach resonates deeply with me, and i hope it will for you, too! She is refreshingly authentic and real, telling us exactly what we need to here in a no nonsense way which can be a breath of fresh air in the "fluff" of some personal development books. This little gem delves into the importance of not believing all the stories that we’ve written about ourselves and lies we’ve told ourselves about why we can’t achieve something, and the importance of re-writing your story and dreaming bigger! If you like her style she dishes out tons of inspiration on social media and her podcast “Rise”!

  4. The Secret, Rhonda Byrne

    The law of attraction helps us achieve all that we want! When we act as though we have already achieved something and focus on it, we can achieve it!

  5. The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer

    This one offers a solution to our daily struggles in a way that teaches us to break through limiting beliefs and practices! It’s a timeless read that explains that we can and should observe our thoughts and we don’t have to believe the false lies that may be in our thoughts. Based on Buddhism, this is a profound book to help you find your purpose and improve your self love!

  6. Daring Greatly, Brene Brown

    Brené Brown's works are all work a read! Daring Greatly explains the importance of living courageously and being "all in" and giving life your 110%. And, when you give immensely, you will be rewarded immensely!

  7. The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle

    The practice of quieting our mind and being present in each moment is very powerful and can be life-changing. The greatest happiness can be found in being fully engaged in the current moment! This one digs deep!

  8. A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson

    Marianne Williamson shows us that love is much more than just a "mushy gushy" emotion, in fact it is an art that should be practiced, and when practiced, it can result in genuine peace within us.

  9. The Universe Has Your Back, Gabrielle Bernstein

    Whatever higher force you believe in, this book is applicable. It shows us how to view life as happening for us, not to us and that each little moment is an offering from above. Throughout life, we can pull from this easy to read book to remind us that we will be okay and the Universe is behind us, guiding us all along the way!

  10. Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins

    Tony Robbins is a legend, and for good reason! His books are all top-notch but this one is extra special, since its the first of his that I read. Tony teaches us how to be big and bold with chasing our dreams and covers all aspects of our lives, not just spiritual and personal, but professional, financial and every other realm!

  11. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey

    This is another timeless read, focusing on the importance of leading a fair and honest life. It includes effective umbrella principles for all people on how to be effective and efficient!


Let me know what you think of any that you read or what your favorites are by commenting below. I'd love for you to connect with me on Instagram by clicking here and on Facebook at Kristen Reed. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and insights!

And, make sure you check out my podcast interview on the Live Abundantly Podcast where we dive deeper into making sure you are a priority!

- Kristen