My Sunday Self Care Routine!

My health is my number one priority, and my long 12-hour shifts at the hospital and late night shifts throughout the week make it very important for me to prioritize self-care. Sundays are my favorite day for self-care and preparing for the week ahead.

Starting the day

I like to wake up and sip on a hot cup of green tea while I plan out my day. I’ll also prepare chia pudding mason jars or egg muens to have throughout the week as grab- and-go breakfasts.


Typically, I’ll make a to-do list (I’m a “list” girl!), as well as a grocery list. My to-do list may differ, but will always include some type of physical activity, usually yoga, and meal prepping.

Once I’ve made my lists, I meditate for about 10 to 20 minutes (I just got a Tibetan singing bowl for Christmas so I’ve been using that during my meditations as well) and pick a card from my Self Care Card deck to use as my inspiration for my journaling, reflection and intention for the week. Then, I will head off to yoga, on a hike with my fiance and dog Reba, or to the gym.

When meal prepping, I’ll prep several snacks and at least two meals for the week and divide them into individual containers so that they’re easy for me to grab for lunch or dinners when I get home late. Prepping always includes chopping fresh vegetables for snacks, to add volume to meals (a handy trick for making meals more healthy) and increase my veggie consumption.

Winding down

I spend time with my fiance and Reba, and we’ll go on a walk and try to get some fresh air. Finally, I try to wind down my Sunday with some relaxation, by journaling (gratitude and free writing) and using my planner to prepare my mind for the week ahead and set goals so that I am crystal clear on what I’m reaching for.