My Personal Story of Survival, Perspective, and Resilience
You are worthy of turning your challenges into powerful change. You have the power.
This past year has thrown a bunch of challenges and curve balls at us all that sometimes seemed insurmountable. We’ve all had our own struggles and have had to dig deep for strength, resilience, and self-compassion within.
I want you to know you are capable of overcoming and surviving these adversities…and thriving! Allow the support and love of those around you to lift you up, as they most certainly did for me.
I’d like to get vulnerable, sharing an intimate story with you in hopes that it will inspire you to keep going, because of, and in spite of the difficulties you’re facing. One year later, I want to share my personal story of resilience and perspective: from a tragic accident that catapulted me into the role of "patient" from Nurse, to living the Pandemic from my couch, to returning to a “new normal” caring for patients again…full circle.
Finding my resilience.
>>> I’d love to hear your story of a challenge you faced, your resilience and perspective! Please share in the comments below to inspire us all.