Spring Clean Your To-Do List

boston health and wellness nurse coach

Are you like me and seem like you have a never-ending to-do list?

After hibernating and quarantining all winter, it feels natural for us to spring clean our homes. These sunnier, warmer days give us motivation to scrub our floors and clear out clutter.

Although many people take this opportunity to start fresh in our physical space, few make time to spring clean our to do lists.

There are likely several items on your list that have reached the end of their shelf life. They’re never going to serve you, they’re never getting done (for one reason or another), but they’re still taking up unnecessary mental clutter and causing underlying stress as one more thing to do.

It’s time to transform your never ending to-do lists into trimmed down intentional items that are actually doable!

boston health and wellness nurse coach

Here are four questions to ask yourself, using the acronym SEAD, “Can I SEAD it?”

1.    Can I schedule it?

2.    Can I eliminate it?

3.    Can I automate it?

4.    Can I delegate it?

boston health and wellness nurse coach

What can I do to help make myself less busy?”

Also, ask yourself “What can I do to help make myself less busy?”

 Get in the habit of asking yourself these questions to refresh your energy, save time, and focus on what matters most!

 >>> Tell me in the comments below what will you spring clean from your to do list?