Top 10 Self Care Practices through the Pandemic

In these uncertain times, it is more important than ever to take good care of ourselves and prioritize our health: mind, body and spirit.  Self care right now might look different for you than it normally does, and that is completely okay. Something that might not usually serve you, may be just what you need now.

Here I am offering some ideas that may help. Take what feels good to you, practice it as often as possible, and give yourself lots of grace.  

  1. Try to maintain some sort of routine that works for you. Morning and bedtime routines are especially helpful. A loose daily routine can feel grounding and dependable in a time of such uncertainty and change.

  2.  Get some fresh air at least once each day. Spend time in nature however you can: in your yard, gardening, walking your dog, or even stepping outside your front door and taking in the clean air with a deep breath. Bonus: 15 minutes in the sunshine gets you your daily dose of Vitamin D which helps with immunity.

  3.  Stay connected to loved ones as best as you can.  Get creative with virtual dates, parties, and happy hours, to group workouts, phone calls, and even old-fashioned letter writing (pen pals for the kids!).

  4.  Hydrate and eat nutritious foods.  Make sure you’re drinking enough water.  As often as possible, choose foods that will support your mood, immune system, and energy, such as fruits and vegetables (frozen is totally fine if that’s all you have), lean proteins, nuts and seeds full of healthy fats, and whole grains. 

  5.  Let yourself feel the feelings.  Don’t try to push away difficult or painful feelings, such as grief, anxiety, and fear. Acknowledge them, accept where you are, and don’t be too hard on yourself during this time.

  6.  Break a sweat.  Whatever form of physical movement feels good to you-do it! Physical activity supports our immunity, mood, sleep, emotional stability, energy levels, and so much more.

  7.  Take news and social media breaks throughout the day and limit your consumption of these, especially if they tend to leave you feeling worse. 

  8.  Be intentional about scheduling things that lift your spirits, such as meditation (find lots of great tips here), going on a walk, cooking, yoga, a phone call with a loved one, etc. 

  9.  Reach out for help when you need it.  You are not alone, and you shouldn’t try to deal with this situation by yourself.  Talk to a trusted friend or family member, counselor, or group program (many are free online currently). Read this post for more ideas to help fear and anxiety.

  10.  Create a Self Care Kit.  Include some of your favorite items that bring you comfort and joy.  Some ideas include a soothing candle, calming essential oils, a cozy blanket, hot tea, journal, and affirmation cards, such as my Self Care Cards (with an inspiring affirmation, journal prompt, reflection question, and action step!).  You can reach for your self care kit whenever you want, but should especially do so during times like these when you need some extra TLC. 

    If you’d like to order one of my Handmade Self Care Kit for yourself or a loved one click here.

Whatever self care practices you choose, adjust them to make them your own, give yourself grace, and listen to your body. Know that any self care practice is better than none. Small baby steps and small practices yield big results and may be just what you need to help get through this challenging time.

We will get through this together.

Boston holistic health and wellness coach reiki master