Got a Sweet Tooth?
Let’s talk sweet.
Did you know that we consume 152 lbs of refined sugar a year??
Sugar can be found in almost all processed foods and it’s added to foods you would least suspect, like pasta sauce, salad dressings, peanut butter, and even spices. Additionally, low and non fat foods are often pumped up with added sugar to improve the taste that the fat took away.
This sneaky sweetener is a cheap way to improve food taste and create an addictive quality that leaves us wanting more and more. It is like a drug, based on the reaction from our brains with the rush of dopamine it gets, pushing us to reach for more.
Here are 10 more reasons to limit your sugar intake:
Sugar can increase cancer risk
Sugar can cause kidney and liver damage
Sugar can cause weight gain
Sugar may increase risk of heart disease
Sugar can cause mood swings and irritability
Sugar can accelerate aging
Sugar can decrease energy
Sugar can cause diabetes (Type 2)
Sugar can negatively affect sleep
Sugar can cause high cholesterol (increasing LDL and decreasing HDL levels)
Not as sweet as it looks…
Now that you’re (hopefully) convinced to lay off sugar, how do you do it?
Here are some ways to avoid the added sugar trap:
You can start right now by checking your nutrition labels. Sugar comes in many “disguises” and end in “ose”, such as dextrose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, and lactose, so try to limit foods with these ingredients.
Fill up on healthy protein which help keep sugar cravings at bay. My favorites are clean Chomps meat sticks and sustainable Belcampo meats such as chicken, grass fed beef, turkey, pork, etc (Use code NWW for 10% off)
Choose healthy fats, such as nuts and seeds, which have been known to curb sugar cravings.
Enjoy natural sugars found in fruit, especially berries which have lots of fiber to help slow the release of their natural sugar.
Life is sweet enough…without the sugar!
Let me know below, how are you committing to limiting your sugar intake?