Practical Tips for Setting New Years Intentions to Succeed!

Boston holistic health and wellness nurse coach reiki master

I’ve compiled my best goal and intention setting tips that I offer my health coaching clients!

With the new year here, it is often a time of big, extreme goal setting and resolutions.  These are important as they give us hope and direction and make us feel like we’re doing what society says we “should” by trying to better ourselves. But, they usually lack support, practicality, and sustainability to carry them past a month or two.

The good news is that research and experience offers a mindful approach that works to carry through and manifest in our lives what is truly most important to us. For us busy women, when we mindfully pause and set intentions that connect to our values, we create meaningful, lasting change that leads us to our best lives!


Self Reflection

Paying purposeful attention to our current thoughts, habits, patterns, what’s worked, and what’s not serving us is vital to have a starting place. This is a time for noticing and observing ourselves, no judging allowed!  We have to be aware of these things in order to start exactly where we are. 


Identify Your Why

Reflect on your most important values at this time in your life. What are they? Is it having health, energy to do the things you love, a healthy lifestyle, creativity, self awareness, social connection, making a difference in the world? Reflect on why these are important to you.  

Identifying your a deep meaning: your “why”, will help inspire you to make a change, even when everything around you is chaotic, uncertain, or heavy. You’re much more likely to stick with an intention or goal if you’re inspired by your powerful “why”; it should make you feel excited and passionate! 

Get Specific and Visualize

Write down your specific and realistic intention.  Studies show that the simple act of writing down your intentions and goals give them power and makes you much more likely to achieve them. (I use this to write down all of my intentions and goals, and love having it all in one place!) Write and speak it as if it’s happened, such as “I am ____”, (rather than I want to or I will). Make them visible, where you can see them often, such as on your bathroom mirror or by your morning coffee station.  

If we’ve worked together, you know how strongly I believe that our thoughts become our reality, so it is vital that we choose empowering, inspiring thoughts and visions to accompany our goals.

Imagine how the new change will fit into your life. How will you feel? What will you be doing? What will your life look like? Get detailed. Imagine life with your fulfilled intention/goal.  Visualize yourself with your specific intention or goal over and over again.  Vision is the ability to see something so clearly in your mind that you can manifest it physically. Seeing yourself achieving your goal or following your intention will help you accomplish it.



Invest in a Coach or Accountability Partner

Sharing your intentions and goals with a trusted person will help keep you motivated and accountable. Even more powerful, working with a certified coach can help you develop a personalized action plan in order to help you reach your goals, find your own insights and truths, release limiting beliefs, and break through barriers.  If you’re ready, I’d love to work together and you can schedule your free exploration call here.


Practice Self Compassion

We can get tripped up when we judge ourselves for not following our intentions or reaching our goals. Sometimes we might even turn the other way or give up. Remember that changes worth making require patience, and having self compassion will allow you to release unrealistic standards.  Keep in mind that it took a long time to create your habits, so it will also take time to reset these habits. Check in with yourself often and let go of all or nothing thinking and perfectionism. You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best and remain consistent in the steps towards your intentions.  As I always say: small, consistent habits equal big results.



Reward Yourself

Reward yourself along the way when you are consistent with your intentions and reach your goals.  Celebrate your wins, even ones that seem “small”. Choose something non-food, something that is motivating for you, and practical for your budget. This could be treating yourself to some extra self care in the form of reiki or a massage.  Or perhaps a new book, planner, or personalized Self Care Kit is more your style. Choose something that excites you and feels extra special!

Want some extra support in achieving your goals and staying strong on the path you want to feel your best? Join us for our JANUARY mind-body RESET where we will create healthy habits with real self care, real food, real connection with women like you, and real results! Click here to grab your spot now!

It will change your life, I guarantee it!

>>> Share your intentions out loud and declare them! Tell me in the comments below one of your intentions or goals for the New Year!


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