Self Care: Where to Start?

How to establish a self care practice that works for YOU:

Boston holistic health and wellness nurse coach reiki master

What is self care?

Self Care is caring for yourself on a deep level, with awareness and respect for your needs and desires.

Self care creates a supportive foundation for our life and means making choices for our long term wellness. (its not just reactive) It means creating a life that nurtures us rather than a life we feel like we need to escape from.

Ask yourself: What can I do to take the best care of myself right now? What do I need to do to replenish myself?

It can:

o   Bring you happiness, meaning or purpose

o   Bring order or organization to your life

As busy women, I so often see that my coaching clients tend to feel guilty for honoring their true desires and needs, when we really should be concerned about supporting our health. Self care is anything but selfish, in fact it is the only way we can truly give to others fully.

If you have to ask yourself if you can afford to take the time away from your many obligations for self care, chances are you can’t afford not to.

There are 4 pillars of self care that we will cover below, with examples for each that might speak to you…physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional.


Eat a variety of whole foods, such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, and drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day


Move your body however is best for you: walks, yoga, stretching, jogging, biking, etc.


Rest when you need it.

Sleep at least 8 hours each night and maintain a consistent wind-down evening routine to prepare your body for restful sleep.



Keep the promises you make to yourself.


Read books that make you feel alive.


Limit negative content you consume on social media, the news, etc.


Positive self talk and positive affirmations



Find and seek out more inspiration




Practice Mindfulness


Enjoy peaceful time in nature


Gratitude Journal



Set and maintain healthy boundaries.


Do something creative (put together a puzzle, create a vision board, color, make artwork, draw, create a music playlist, learn a new hobby).


Be more playful.

Self Care requires a deep commitment to yourself each and every day.  If you aren’t feeling it one day, just get right back at it the next day.  As I always say:

“Love yourself every day and watch your best self emerge and your best life follow!”

If you’d like extra support and guidance with your self care, I’m here to help. Book your free call to learn more.

Get your FREE “Ultimate Self Care Starter Kit” by signing up for emails at the bottom of my homepage here!

>>> Sign up for our FREE 5-day Self Love Challenge Feb 15-19th, 2021! Click here to register. <<<

I’d love to hear: what is one way you will practice self care today? Let me know and commit to it in the comments below :)