Simple Ways to Build Resilience to Enjoy Life More

Boston holistic health and wellness nurse coach reiki master

Is your motivation dwindling?

Are you starting to feel burnt out and needing more resilience in your day to day?

I want to share some simple ways for you to create and foster more resilience so that you can make it through challenging times- beat burnout and get back up to recover gently and completely.

Let's start with the basics: what is resilience?

  • Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from challenging experiences.

  • Resilience is dealing with discomfort and adversity while still taking care of ourselves, strengthening our ability to continue to overcome difficult situations. Resilience can help us react to change in positive ways and emerge from challenges stronger than before while also enriching our lives.

  • Learning to become more resilient takes time and practice, but following a few simple tips can help us build this essential life skill.

⚡️ Here are my BEST (evidence-based) ways to BUILD RESILIENCE:

Deep breathing (box breathing 4-4-4-4, or 4-7-8 breathing)

Prioritize tasks and delegate 

Plan breaks throughout the day (studies show that every 52 minutes is ideal)

Stay connected to loved ones (lean on those you love for connection and support) and community

Eat enough healthy fats and proteins to help with stress management

Gratitude journal (list 3 items each day that you're grateful for or that "went well today")

Set and maintain boundaries 

Meditate and practice mindfulness, being present in the moment (focusing on your 5 senses in your current state is a simple mindfulness practice that I recommend)

Do one thing every day that brings you joy (even 2 minutes of something simple-listening to a song or lighting a candle

Aim for 8 hours of sleep (maintain a bedtime routine, screens off at night, cool, dark room)

Play! (Play with your dog, take dance breaks, play games, whatever sparks your joy)

If you'd like to hear more about resilience, creating small healthy habitsself care, and how to make sustainable healthy lifestyle changes, check out this recent podcast episode I was recently interviewed on-where I talk ALL about this! 

Feel free to share with anyone who might like this info, too.

>>> Let me know in the comments below what you you going to commit to in order to build your resilience!